love in it's essence is spiritual fire. - chinese fortune cookie

Monday, January 13, 2014

coastal grass flow

mid January…. feels like spring after the arctic vortex and rain …. today is a gorgeous blue sky sunshine filled day. Green white pines and light brown to grey bark and shadows fill the window. Muted color and light fill the air. lovely. The ice and snow have mostly melted into the ground, ponds, streams, and ocean…. it is a great day to go for a walk. My trusty Macy dog and I will head out shortly to explore. We already found a beautiful woodpecker who didn't make it through the cold snap. We put lots of nuts and seeds out for the bird population here during the cold months, so interesting to look at a beautiful bird who has expired on the earth, in leaves and looking so natural in it's passage. Listened to an owl early this morning. The birds make life so rich here. Their music, visits, cuteness, and beauty. We love them. Enjoy the day, it is a beautiful gift.